
I don’t tend to believe in paranormal stuff. At least, not in what people consider to be paranormal. Because once I finished reading these documents, the word “paranormal” seems misused. This is not something related to magic or fantastic creatures, but rather something that your science teacher may have warned you about our universe or, should I say, our multiverse. What I’m trying to say is even if I felt skeptical at first, the more I think about it, the more I feel it is scientifically possible, and that is terrifying if you ask me. Who knows. Maybe every paranormal thing has its own plane of existence, waiting to invade our reality.

So I think I owe you an explanation. Back in 2020, I knew this guy called Daniel. We both started working in a small IT company as software engineers. Although we were not such close friends, we used to talk during lunch and weekends through chat. He told me he has been living alone for two years in a house located a few minutes by car from our work. I couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Given the events that took place in the world that year, we were sent to work from home in March 2020. Then I assume he spent at least four years alone, and two years completely isolated.

During that time, we texted each other once or maybe twice in a week, mostly because of our work. It wasn’t until November 2020 when he talked to me about a concerning issue. He claimed that really weird stuff was happening at his house. At first, I thought it was some kind of paranoia or even stress symptoms, given the fact that he was going to therapy at that time because of his isolation. After that, he didn’t talk about the topic anymore, and just texted me back like once in a month, before going completely silent in January 2022.

Just when I was finally able to go back to my office, back in March 2022, I learned that Daniel has been completely missing ever since. Neither his neighbors nor the police know anything about him to this day. By July 2022, we were able to retrieve his old laptop, since I was asked to find any file related to the company. So naturally, the first thing I did was look into his folders and his cloud file storage. The latter, fortunately, still had his account logged in.

What really intrigued me was a document file called “weekly.doc”, where every new entry was written like twice or thrice in a week. Most of the entries contain a quick summary of what he did during the week, and how he felt about it. My guess is that this was part of his therapy, since writing could help him to deal with his isolation. However, all the weird stuff and the reasons behind his disappearance began back in June 2020.

I was hesitating whether I should make this document public or not. But since nothing new has ever come out about this topic, I thought I should make one last effort to find Daniel. I don’t know. Maybe I feel a bit guilty for not believing him in the first place, or it could be that I’m kind of scared of what could happen next. At least, it may work as a warning. You do not have to believe me, but at least you have the information in your hands.

Of course, I’ll be collecting and showing you all the entries starting from June 2020. The rest of the document is irrelevant. Unless, of course, it has been wandering in the shadows this whole time.
